
惊悚  德国  2001 

主演:乌维·奥森耐特 埃琳娜·索菲亚·里奇 




Thomas Kesselbach is a highly respected restorer of old paintings, and leads a quiet, withdrawn life. All this changes when he gets a visit one day from a friend: Marcus Holt, the very wealthy owner of an enormous diamond company. Kessel-bach and Holt have not seen each other for many years. Kesselbach now lives in Brandenburg, and Holt in South Africa. Back then they were very close friends, until they fell in love with the same woman, Julia, whom Holt later married. Julia is also the reason why Holt has come to see his old friend. He is worried about his wife, who has had serious psychological problems for a while now; he tells Kesselbach that she is addicted to tablets. Holt says he just can't seem to get through to her anymore. A few weeks ago she disappeared, and now Holt is pin-ning all his hopes on Kesselbach: perhaps he can win Julia's trust and bring her back home. Painful memories of the old days resurface in Kesselbach at the mention of Julia's name. He h...

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