Love and Redemption

剧情  中国  2017 

主演:潘时七 方妤萌 唐群 苗贺程 郁飞扬 石峯 


Love and Redemption电影剧情介绍

天狼影视提供《Love and Redemption》高清中字BD1280在线播放,《Love and Redemption》迅雷资源,《Love and Redemption》高清在线观看,《Love and Redemption》完整高清未删减版,《Love and Redemption》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

Kind-hearted Liu Yun (played by Fang Yumeng) was abandoned by her husband after he found out she was a widow and previously had a daughter. She finds Liu Yecheng (played by Shi Feng), a ruffian who knows the whereabouts of her daughter, Yao Yao (played by Yu Feiyang). She also quits her job at the university and begins selling rolled pancakes in order to raise money. Liu Yecheng finds Yao Yao's foster mother, Mei Lin (played by Pan Shiqi), and threatens her for a huge amount of money. Mei Lin turns to her cold parents-in-law who chased her out for help, while Yao Yao is secretly taken away by Liu Yun who has followed them there. As Liu Yun's depression worsens, she brings Yao Yao, who is in critical condition, to hide on the rooftop of a building in a desperate situation...

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